Labor law plays just as important a role in business life as tax law. In Germany, we have an employee protection law with the consequence that employers are permanently under obligation and lose out in court. It is the task of the specialist lawyer for labor law to advise employers already during the initiation of an employment relationship, to negotiate the optimal employment contract for them and, in the event of separation, to conduct the lawsuit in the best possible way, taking into account current case law. The pandemic has shown us that the restrictions have hit the labor market the hardest. In any situation, it is the lawyer's task to protect the client from further damage and to think entrepreneurially.
Especially the medium-sized employer needs, in addition to a well-functioning accounting department, optimal advice in tax law. Only in this way can labor and corporate law problems be solved in his favor. The purchase of real estate is not the ultimate solution, but it is a process that can be a lasting solution through optimal advice. The goal is to use knowledge and skills to positively change the professional life of the client and thus create new prospects for the future.
Our focus in the field of Labor
Formulation of employment contracts
Advice on recruitment and during the employment relationship: e.g. admonition, warning, right of direction, transfer, promotion, illness and nursing cases
Equal treatment in the company ( AGG )
Formulation of termination and liquidation agreements, also from a tax law point of view
Transfer of business and restructuring - drawing up a catalog of measures
Transfer of business according to § 613aBGB - possibilities and consequences for seller and acquirer
Advice prior to termination
Mass dismissals
Employment references
The Works Council - from the Works Meeting to the Election - Employer's Rights
Co-determination, consultation and approval rights of the works council
Design and drafting of works agreements taking into account collective requirements
Rights of the works council member
The central works council
Mass dismissal and participation of the works council
Reconciliation of interests and social plan
Collective bargaining agreements and their termination
Church institutions and their status under labor law
Special positions in collective bargaining issues, so-called third way
in particular, tax advice on severance payments, company car arrangements and other benefits in kind