Dr. Bernhard Haaß

Lawyer - specialist in administrative law, Dipl-Pol.

I advise private and public developers to successfully implement their construction projects and infrastructure measures. I have many years of experience, especially in public building and environmental law as well as in the law on historical monuments. The focus of my work includes planning and approval procedures, defense against official interference, and the negotiation of urban development contracts and civil contractual security for the project. I have extensive expertise in claims for planning damages and compensation for expropriation as well as for public liability.

I have industry-specific expertise in the settlement of retail and logistics companies as well as in residential construction projects.

Construction law

Specialized planning law

Environmental law

Compensation law

Business Administration Law

  • 1983 - 1989 Studies of Law and Political Science at the Universities of Würzburg, Rome (La Sapienza) and Berlin (Free University)
  • 1989 - 1992 Research assistant at the Institute for Political Science, Constitutional and Administrative Law at the Free University of Berlin
  • 1992 Doctorate (Thesis: Scope of action of municipalities in environmental protection, published by Duncker & Humblot, 1992)
  • 1992 - 1994 Trainee lawyer in the district of the Superior Court of Justice (Kammergericht)
  • 1994 - 2001 Lawyer at Gaßner, Groth & Siederer, Berlin
  • 2001 - 2010 Partner at Noerr LLP, Berlin
  • 2010 Joined the law firm PROBANDT, Berlin
  • Building chambers disagree: Do neighboring actions inhibit the period of validity of a building permit? - Building owners take a risk with the start of construction, Grundeigentum 2020, p. 652
  • New noise protection area for Tegel Airport - What claims do affected owners have?, Grundeigentum 2020, p. 455
    Proposal for a factually limited transition of Berlin's 1958/60 land use plan - Reviewing it against the planning goals of the current land use plan, Grundeigentum 2020, p. 240
  • Socialization of housing stock by popular law, LKV 2019, p. 145.
  • Building owners are entitled to tree pruning necessary for fire safety reasons, Grundeigentum 2018, p. 748.
  • The "Berlin model of cooperative building land development" in land-use planning consideration, LKV 2018, 156.
  • Noise protection in the weighing of uncertain forecasts, Environmental and Planning Law (UPR) 2017, p.241.
  • The proof of unsaleability in monument law, Baurecht (BauR) 2017, p. 959
  • Declarations of cost absorption for the accommodation of refugees, Grundeigentum 2017, p. 273
  • Property law barriers in the establishment of green spaces, in: Mitschang (ed.): Fach- und Rechtsfragen des Bebauungsplans, Berliner Schriften zur Stadt- und Regionalplanung, 2016, p. 275.
  • Expropriation compensation after expiration of the plan guarantee. Reflections on the amendment of planning damage law, in: Environmental and Planning Law (UPR) 2016, p. 161.
  • Sales area quota system for a shopping center - comment on OVG Münster, 14.03.2015 - 7 D 52/13,
  • German Journal of Administrative Law (DVBl.) 2015, p. 1328
  • Climate protection and building culture - Legal limits of energetic refurbishment of buildings worth preserving,
    in: Mitschang (ed.): Umbau im baulichen Bestand, Frankfurt am Main, 2015, p. 179.
  • Läden ohne Verkaufsfläche - Planungsrechtliche Beurteilung neuer online Betriebsformen des Lebensmitteleinzelhandels,
    Baurecht (BauR) 2015, p. 1064
  • Local supply and center protection,
    Building Law (BauR) 2013, p. 1946
  • Reference to DIN rules in development plans,
    NJW Special 2010, p. 620
  • Center protection before local supply,
    Lebensmittel Zeitung, 12.3.2010, p. 32
  • Compensation amount under redevelopment law according to "target tree method",
    Grundeigentum 2010, p. 244
  • Protection of existing buildings after end of use,
    NJW Special 2010, p. 108
  • No parking space restriction by local building regulation,
    NJW Special 2009, p. 508
  • Summation of sales areas,
    NJW Special 1/2009, p. 12
  • Official liability for building planning in case of lawful alternative behavior?
    NJW Special 2008, p. 396
  • Building planning regulations in the guise of building regulations,
    NVwZ 2008, p. 252
  • Tightening of energy requirements for new buildings,
    NJW Special 2008, p. 204

further publications (PDF)

  • Berlin Bar Association
  • Building Committee of the Berlin Chamber of Industry and Commerce (Head of the Working Group for Building Law and Urban Development), Full Member
  • Lecturer at the Technical University of Berlin,
  • Faculty of Planning and Building
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