- Building chambers disagree: Do neighboring actions inhibit the period of validity of a building permit? - Building owners take a risk with the start of construction, Grundeigentum 2020, p. 652
- New noise protection area for Tegel Airport - What claims do affected owners have?, Grundeigentum 2020, p. 455
Proposal for a factually limited transition of Berlin's 1958/60 land use plan - Reviewing it against the planning goals of the current land use plan, Grundeigentum 2020, p. 240
- Socialization of housing stock by popular law, LKV 2019, p. 145.
- Building owners are entitled to tree pruning necessary for fire safety reasons, Grundeigentum 2018, p. 748.
- The "Berlin model of cooperative building land development" in land-use planning consideration, LKV 2018, 156.
- Noise protection in the weighing of uncertain forecasts, Environmental and Planning Law (UPR) 2017, p.241.
- The proof of unsaleability in monument law, Baurecht (BauR) 2017, p. 959
- Declarations of cost absorption for the accommodation of refugees, Grundeigentum 2017, p. 273
- Property law barriers in the establishment of green spaces, in: Mitschang (ed.): Fach- und Rechtsfragen des Bebauungsplans, Berliner Schriften zur Stadt- und Regionalplanung, 2016, p. 275.
- Expropriation compensation after expiration of the plan guarantee. Reflections on the amendment of planning damage law, in: Environmental and Planning Law (UPR) 2016, p. 161.
- Sales area quota system for a shopping center - comment on OVG Münster, 14.03.2015 - 7 D 52/13,
- German Journal of Administrative Law (DVBl.) 2015, p. 1328
- Climate protection and building culture - Legal limits of energetic refurbishment of buildings worth preserving,
in: Mitschang (ed.): Umbau im baulichen Bestand, Frankfurt am Main, 2015, p. 179.
- Läden ohne Verkaufsfläche - Planungsrechtliche Beurteilung neuer online Betriebsformen des Lebensmitteleinzelhandels,
Baurecht (BauR) 2015, p. 1064
- Local supply and center protection,
Building Law (BauR) 2013, p. 1946
- Reference to DIN rules in development plans,
NJW Special 2010, p. 620
- Center protection before local supply,
Lebensmittel Zeitung, 12.3.2010, p. 32
- Compensation amount under redevelopment law according to "target tree method",
Grundeigentum 2010, p. 244
- Protection of existing buildings after end of use,
NJW Special 2010, p. 108
- No parking space restriction by local building regulation,
NJW Special 2009, p. 508
- Summation of sales areas,
NJW Special 1/2009, p. 12
- Official liability for building planning in case of lawful alternative behavior?
NJW Special 2008, p. 396
- Building planning regulations in the guise of building regulations,
NVwZ 2008, p. 252
- Tightening of energy requirements for new buildings,
NJW Special 2008, p. 204
further publications (PDF)